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How to Buy or Sell — Smoking Collectibles
Tobacco is still a popular collecting area even though there are fewer people smoking cigarettes. Anything that has a picture of tobacco or things that are related to tobacco, such as full, unopened packs of old brands of cigarettes or cigarette holders has a market. Labels, ads, ashtrays, tobacco cards, felts, tins, pipes, tags, chewing […]
How to Buy or Sell — Beer Cans and Breweriana
There are many collectors of beer cans, but most cans are traded and not sold. The best way to get rid of a collection is to go to a show-and-swap meet for beer can collectors. The local papers and beer can collectors’ publications will list them. Cans are often sold in groups. Anyone who buys […]
How to Buy or Sell — Barber Poles and Barber Collectibles
The barber pole is said to have been made to represent the blood-soaked rags wrapped around the pole in earlier days. The red-and-white-striped pole has been a symbol of the pharmacist or barber since the eighteenth century. Old barber poles are now considered folk art. Information about selling and repair can be found in the […]
How to Buy or Sell — Advertising and Country Store Collectibles
The country store and its contents have delighted collectors for years. Around 1950 the first serious collectors of advertising materials began searching for signs, containers, bottles, store bins, and other objects found in an old country store. It became the vogue to decorate restaurants, homes, and shops with nostalgic collectibles from old stores, and prices […]