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Gouda Marks
This table lists factories that made Gouda pottery, their marks, and the year each mark came into use. Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland (PZH) Mark used 1926 Zenith Plateelbakkerij en Pijpenfabrieken Mark used c.1920 Plateelfabriek Ivora Mark used c.1925 Plateelfabriek Regina Mark used after c.1938 Firma Eduard Antheunis Mark used c.1920
It is easy to recognize earthenware of the early 1900s made by the Rozenburg art pottery (1883–c.1916) in The Hague. The very thin dinnerwares were decorated overglaze with birds, flowers and foliage inspired by Javanese batik-printed textiles. Pale shades of mauve, yellow, orange, and green were favored. The vases and pots had curved shapes and […]
Gouda Pottery has been made in the area near the city Gouda, Holland, since the 1700s. Today the name Gouda refers to art pottery made in and around Gouda from 1898 to about 1964. Collectors group all pottery marked “Gouda” into one class, although many factories made these wares. Pieter Van der Want founded the […]