Brody Glass

 Q: I have a green dish on a small stand that I found in a box of dishes at my mother’s house. It says “E.O. Brody Co., Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.” on the bottom. I would like to know something about the company and how old this dish is.

 A: Brody glass dishes look older than they are. Most old books incorrectly date the dishes from 1880-1900. E.O. Brody & Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, by Ernest Oscar Brody in 1958. The company sold glass containers to wholesale florists. Pieces were made by Indiana Glass Company and other U.S. glass manufacturers using Brody’s molds. Some vases were imported from Turkey and were marked with a paper label. E.O. Brody became part of Lancaster Colony Corporation of Columbus, Ohio, in 1971. The name was changed to Brody Company in 1988 when it became part of Lancaster’s housewares division. Green glass and milk glass containers are usually found selling for $5 or less.

Brody glass














HIG on Bee

Q: Can you give me any information on a glass compote I have? It has an impression of a bee in the bottom.

A: The mark is a rebus*, H-I-G on a bee. Your compote was made by the J.B. Higbee Company of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, about 1900. Higbee made tableware, sets of dishes, goblets, and vases. Most of the glass was clear, not colored. Higbee closed in 1918.

*A word puzzle that uses pictures to show part of the word.

J.B. Higbee Company of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania

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