1.05K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.05K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi all!

My grandson is fascinated by my collecting. He loves to help me sort and do things that are necessary and not difficult for a 6 year old. He has enjoyed the penny collection we started together since he was 3, and he attends to it with the same spotted interest any kid his age employs. [i](5 days of nothing but pennies and 20 days of, “not right now”)[/i] This collection right now is worth about $300.

His birthday is coming up and I’d like some suggestions from anyone/everyone here as to what new category of collectible I might help start for him.

Being a budding geek, he has no interest in sports, so that angle is out, and I’m thinking that nickels might be too similar to his pennies. He likes many, many things, and hasn’t settled on any true love as of yet – Hey! he’s only six!

Any bright ideas?

Thanks so much!


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