These chairs were made by so many mfrs that finding another like yours may be difficult !! Try doing an image search occasionally for Morris Chairs and maybe another will turn up !! There are some sites that have info on the Morris Chairs you could email and ask !! Many of these chairs were made in the UK, thats another possibility !! As to value,, they are very reasonable except for the higher end chairs by known makers !! Usually they can be found for $200.or less !! Still the history of the Morris Chair with your family makes it interesting !!
Thanks for this. I checked for marks on the hardware,no luck. I can’t find any with the storage in the armrest. We love this old chair as it has been in the family for a lng time . My late MIL played in it as a girl and saved her special treasures in the armrests. It is now a favourite thing for our great grandchildren to do. Once again thank you.
Neat !! You have a version of the Morris Chair !! The link will give you a little info !! There were many of these chairs made with many versions of the back bar and rest !! I am not sure the initials you found are for any furniture mfg company !! Tons of these chairs were sold, and given as premiums and assembled by the owner !! All the parts were made by different companies !! If you can find a patent number on the metal parts you might be able to find the company that owned that patent at the above links patent page !!