2.39K viewsMusic
2.39K viewsMusic

I have an Imperial,one row button accordion. The Model is the Celestical. It’s black in color and has flowers painted on it. It is marked as a “Gold Medal winner, with the label of Melbourne 188819 on it. Since its out of tune somewhat, does anyone know what Key this accordion should be tuned to. Any other information about this accordion I would like to hear about, so please feel free to share it with me. Thank You in advance Earl

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

Most accordion have reeds set in beeswax and when stored must be rotated in order to keep the reeds in correct position and in a 50 degree to 70. If it is out of tune a real pro must do the job.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020
Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

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