4.34K viewsKovels Discussion Board
4.34K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hello. My significant other is working out of town and dug up a bottle at his job site a couple of days ago. It is a blob top soda bottle. It says Chrystal Palace Soda Water, W. Eagle, NY, Union Glass Works and P hiladelphia abbreviated. We thought it was a dark green color. It was covered in mud. He has not tried to scrub it or add any chemicals to clean. However, he let it soak a few hours in room temperature water. Some of the silt lifted off and we can see it is Cobalt Blue under the layers of dirt. It has a concave bottom with a pontil mark. There are no cracks in it. And one little chip on the bottom edge. It looks like it may have had a cork at one time. Any info on history? Such a beautiful color.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

Pic isn`t showing for some reason !!


I will be glad to post pictures when it is cleaned. I have a picture of the bottom and neck where the blue shows through.


Please post pics when you get it as clean as possible !! Another way to clean the inside is to attach a small piece of Teflon scrubbie or household sponge with a rubber band or twist tie or something to a piece of metal coat hanger wire making sure to cover the end well or tape it up first so as not to scratch !! You can bend the wire to reach the inside areas !! Make sur the mouth of the bottle is wide enough to retrieve it after cleaning !!


Thank you for the reply! Yes. The bottle is exactly like that one. It is not turquoise. It is a beautiful cobalt blue color. Thank you for the cleaning instructions. It was buried in sand.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

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