2.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Was wondering if this plate is worth anything. Mint condition, original papers but not the original box.


Excellent !! I once bought a Norman Rockwell collector plate from one of those places at a garage sale for $.50 !! Sold it for $14.,,that is $13.50 profit anyway you look at it !!
So many people want to make a huge profit on one item but you can make just as much and sometimes more on those smaller items !! Its like trading one dollar for $5. or $10.!! If you can do that several times a week,, thats not a bad payday !! Just a little more work !!

Anonymous Changed status to publish February 3, 2020

Did you buy this from the Bradford Exchange ?? Hope not !! That is not to say they are not nice plates but sure not worth what they may have sold
for and will not increase in value anytime soon !! Currently you can buy that plate on ebay for $10. another was $12. I know they have a sales pitch but never buy from a magazine ad or from any of the shopping networks !!
Now if you picked it up at a garage sale or thrift store for a dollar or two then you made money !!

Thanks for the input. I did get it from a thrift store, and only paid $4.00 for it. So, I did make a little on it.


Here is another picture.


Sorry, I put pictures on here. They must not have went through. I’ll try again.


There is no pic !!

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