2.95K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.95K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Could someone please tell me how to post pictures on here? I hit the upload files button. It shows picture has uploaded. I submit. It says it was successful. But the picture is not uploading.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

How does one reduce the size for each photo? Can that be done/edited on here or do we need to do it separately on our own photo editor site?

tharless62 Answered question January 14, 2020

Have you checked the sie of the pics ?? This site has a 2MB file size limit !! Larger than that will not load easily !! If using a hand held device the pics are usually above the max size !! Reduce the size and try again !!
Its written on the same line as “upload files”!!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 27, 2020

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