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Toy Monkey

Q: Many years ago, I was given a battery-operated toy monkey holding a cymbal in each hand. When it’s turned on, the monkey claps the cymbals together, and when it’s tapped on the head, it stops clapping and makes a squealing noise. Then it goes back to clapping the cymbals again. It’s about 10 inches high. How old is it and is it worth anything?

A: Your cymbal-playing monkey was made in Japan from the 1950s into the ’70s by a company named “C-K.” The toy is called “Musical Jolly Chimp.” It was a popular toy and similar versions were made by other companies. The cymbal-playing monkey even appeared in the movie “Toy Story 3.” The value of your toy is $150 to $300, depending on its condition. The original box adds value.



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