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Warman’s Field Guides

Edwin (Ed) Warman was one of the early authors of books about antiques. His last name has become a brand name for dozens of books devoted to collectibles and collecting and written for the average person. In 2002, a series of Warman’s Field Guides was introduced. Each of the small (about 4-by-5-inch) books is over an inch thick and has about 500 pages, 250-750 color photographs, and costs less than $13. The authors are experts on a subject and have included the information collectors need-history, rarity, important condition features and prices-in a condensed, easy-to-read form. They are “look-and-learn” books that fill a special need for collectors, especially beginners. Just out this year are Warman’s Field Guides to Pepsi-Cola, action figures, tools, and farm toys. Earlier books included guides to furniture, Little Golden Books, Depression glass, and Hot Wheels. So far, 36 guides have been published. (Krause Publications, Iola, WI, They’re fun, informative, and a great way to encourage a new collector.

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