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Doulton and Royal Doulton
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Royal Doulton is well known for its tableware. In 1907 the company built a new china-works, and since then it has made both bone china and fine earthenware sets. Dishes range from expensive sets with raised gold decorations and hand painting made for royalty and millionaires to lower-priced sets decorated with copper-plate engravings and hand-painted, […]
Figurines and Character Jugs
To many of today’s collectors, Royal Doulton means figurines, character jugs, or expensive sets of dishes. A few figurines were made at the end of the nineteenth century. Between 1909 and 1914 some small figurines were produced; they gained in popularity, and Royal Doulton figurines have been made every year since. At first they were […]
Series Ware
Series ware, introduced in 1906, is decorated with underglaze pictures based many subjects, including Shakespeare’s plays, Dickens’ novels, Old Coaching Scenes, the poem Jackdaw of Rheims, and Castles and Churches. In the 1970s the term limited edition became popular to describe plates and other pieces made in limited numbers, often in a series. Before that, […]
Transmutation Glazes
During the early 1890s, potters at Royal Doulton created transmutation glazes. They were made by applying copper oxide and other chemicals to the pottery, then reducing the flow of oxygen to the kiln. This process produced an unpredictable variety of reds, yellows, blues, and greens. The rouge flambé was the most popular of these glazes.
Doulton – Minton Marks
This table lists marks used on Doulton, Royal Doulton, and Minton ceramics, the dates they were used, and the method of printing. Manufacturer Location Date Other Information Mark Doulton “England” added after 1891 1879-1902 Impressed Royal Doulton “Made in England” added after 1930 1902-1922, 1927-1932 First “Royal” Doulton mark, printed or impressed Minton 1860s Printed […]