
Coca-Cola Flapper Girl Tray

Q: After reading your article in the newspaper about the Coca-Cola tin signs, I was wondering if there might be any value in a metal Coca-Cola serving tray my husband has. It says “Drink Coca-Cola” in gold letters at the top of the frame and pictures a young girl holding a glass of Coca-Cola. She’s wearing a blue dress, white fur wrap, and a pearl necklace.

A: The first Coca-Cola trays were made in 1897. The image on this tray is known as “Flapper Girl.” It was originally made in 1923 but reproductions and fakes have been made since the 1970s. The original 1923 tray was rectangular and measured 10 1/2 inches high and 13 1/4 inches wide. Round or oval trays are reproductions or fakes. Your tray is a fantasy tray made in 1973. An original tray in good condition sold for $510 earlier this year. Your fake tray is worth about $20.

drink coca-cola tray flapper girl reproduction


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