
Scribblers Inks & Paste Crock

Q: I bought this crock about 25 years ago at an antiques shop in Washington State. It says “Scribblers Inks & Paste, Seattle, U.S.A.” The crock and lid are in perfect condition. It’s 8 inches high and 7 inches wide. Was it made before Washington became a state? Can you tell me anything about the company, what this crock used for and what it’s worth?

A: There’s very little information about Scribblers Inks & Paste. The company filed articles of incorporation in 1913. It was stricken from the record on July 1, 1917, for failure to pay the annual license fee. It may not have held ink or paste but something used in a store that also sold ink. The name is printed on the crock, not handwritten like early examples. Your crock is missing the lid so is probably only worth about $50.

scribblers inks and paste crock

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