Our publications and websites are designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. Information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Other disclaimers: *NOTE: if you have a question about how to use Kovels’ website, please use our Technical Support. Please DO NOT write asking for an appraisal. We cannot provide appraisals by mail or e-mail. DO NOT write offering to sell your item. We DO NOT BUY OR SELL ANTIQUES and will not acknowledge offers. We welcome questions and answer as many as possible through their publications or on the website. If you have a question about your own antique or collectible, you can submit it by using the Collectors Gallery form. It’s kind of like playing the lottery. If your question is of general interest to all of our readers, we may run it—along with an answer—in the question section of our website, newsletter, syndicated column, or other publications. We wish we could answer personally, but we just get too much mail. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A PERSONAL RESPONSE. If you send a question about an individual item, we suggest that you take a DIGITAL PHOTO or SCAN A PHOTO of the item and attach that file to our form. Or, mail your question, photo and a long self-addressed stamped envelope to:
5225 Joerns Drive, Suite 2
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Please do not send old letters, cards, or papers of value. We regret we cannot return photos. We retain the right to use any photos sent to us by any means electronic or otherwise, in any Kovel publication or forum, regardless of medium.