3.02K viewsAdvertising & Country Store
3.02K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

I have a seventeen inch Coca Cola bottle advertising tin sign with a thermometer in it. There’s many up on ebay. Just keeping with the exact design of the advertising itself, there is clearly a difference between the actual thermometers between them.

Some are just fahrenheit, some are also celcius. Almost all stop at -30F, though a few go to -40F.

Mine goes to -60F.

As the temperature markings are painted on the metal, I’m wondering if this is a way to deduce when and where the sign was manufactured and help ascertain the price.



Wish I could say yes,, it will help !! But the numbering and temperature range would be determined by the maker of the thermometer,,not Coca Cola Company !! The thermometers would have been ordered to fit Cokes size requirement to fit that space on that advertisment !! Tru Temp made some of the thermometers but I imagine there were others over the years !! I have never heard of them being made for a specific area !! I am betting there were a number of companies that produced the signs for them as well !! I imagine they have a historian that could give more info or the National Coca Cola collectors club !! I have seen them with both fahrenheit and celcius !! One on left and one on right side !!

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