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1.82K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

[img size=498]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/th_IMG_1906.JPG[/img] Hi there, I bought this sign about 5 years ago for $135.00. The sign as it sits today is 59 X 30 inches. It was in rough condition with several screw or nails holes around the border, a couple paint drips on it and the lower section of the sign has been cut off. I usually wouldn’t even take a second look at a sign like this but I had never seen one like this before. I have searched google and many other different sites for information on this but come up empty everytime. I have been able to find repro’s though, so I have an idea of what the sign would have looked like if it had not been altered. Any info that can be shared on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Chris [img size=498]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/th_IMG_1906.JPG[/img]

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