2.52K viewsAdvertising & Country Store
2.52K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

We recently acquired a very large tin can with metal handles on the sides and a top lid. The graphics on the front reads “1000 Baby Grand Cake Cones” along with other writing and the company local and name of “Turnbull’s Cones”

I have attached three photos of this can, and I am wondering if anyone can give me an estimated value. I have searched all over the internet and in various forums, and I have only found one other instance of this can. It was on display in a window of a northeastern store, but now I can’t even find that site.

Any help would be sincerely appreciated. I feel this could be a very rare find. All I can find on my research is that the company was one of four original waffle cone equipment manufacturers based in Tennessee, and later merged with the other three companies to avoid patent fights.

Thank you in advance for your advice on valuation of this item.

Joel Canepa
Crazy J’s Consignments
Hayes, Virginia [img size=192]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/TunrbullsCones___small.jpg[/img]


Third Image [img size=288]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/TunrbullsConesBottomSmall.jpg[/img]

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