1.68K viewsAdvertising & Country Store
1.68K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

I’ve had something in my possession for years, and I’m not even sure what it is called. My grandfather owned and operated a neighborhood grocery store from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. He had a long-handled tool that he used to stock cans on the higher shelves of his store, and to retrieve them as well.

In modern parlance, I think this would be called a “grabber”; it’s made from iron, and has a spring-loaded, two-arm “grabber” at the far end, and a squeeze handle at the other. It was a simple way to get cans from higher shelves – I know, because I used it myself as a child.

I’ve determined that this tool was made by the DEARBORN HARDWARE MFG. CO. of Chicago; I’ve done some research and found that this company merged with another hardware manufacturing firm in 1915 and stopped using its name at that point, so my item was very probably made prior to 1915.

I have done all types of searches online, and have used all types of words to attempt to describe this device, but so far I haven’t had any luck at all.
I am simply trying to determine if this device is a collectible antique, and what the possible value might be.

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