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[size=4]I also have this Ronald McDonald uncut bowling ball (no holes) – any significant value to it? Anyone has seen those?[/size]

[img size=150]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc45/opsimos/ebay/coke3.jpg[/img]
[img size=150]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc45/opsimos/ebay/coke4.jpg[/img]


I am a bowler and my son owns a pro bowling shop. Many bowler manufactures to appeal to junior bowler’s such as dora the explora and tweety bird, turtle ninja’s, mickey mouse etc. They sell for $40.00 to 50.00 then $40.00 to have holes drilled. They are also used by adult bowlers for picking up spares such as the 10 or 7 pin cause they do not hook. Many of these balls exist on the market. I suppose someone who collect’s McDonalds item’s might want one but right now the value is $40.00

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