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8.40K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

Need help in identifying and value of a published Currier and Ives Star Spangled Banner lady holding a flag on a heavy stock paper appears to be about 14 inches long by 9 inches wide. Any assistance would be appreciated.



Go to reply at the bottom of your post then click “add file” that will open your computers imaging file, then open the pictures or wherever you have the pics stored. When you find the one you want to post click on it, the file number shoud then be in the box beside the words “add file”. You may have to click to “open” it !! I have only answered questions here so haven`t posted a pic yet since no one is helping here but me.!! When you get the file number in the box as I said above you can just click submit to post it !! Give it plenty of time to load and post !! Others have said it was slow !!

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