3.81K viewsAdvertising & Country Store
3.81K viewsAdvertising & Country Store

I have two vintage wooden advertising crates with lids. One is a Diamond Brand Match crate, and the other is a KC Baking Soda crate. I am trying to find the value of these items. If anyone has any info, please let me know! I greatly appreciate it!


That’s fine !! You might want to reduce the pic size to about 30kb so they will load without problems !! Your pic is 104kb !!
Nice 60`s carnival glass pitcher in the one you posted !! My mother had the same one !!


Thanks for your response! I am working on getting the measurements. I have attached a pic but am also working on getting better pics. The crates are currently with my son-in-law. I will send the rest of the info. as soon as he can get it to me. Thanks again for your help!


Value would depend on the size of the crates,,the graphics on the labeling,,the condition,, and finding someone who is looking for that type crate !! can you post pics of the labeling ??

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