This little San Pan has been in my family about 70-75 yrs. It is 6 inches long and about 2 inches wide. It has 2 very, very thin oars which have tiny holes in which copper wire was used to attach them to the boat,there is also a post that we think held a man, none of us (my siblings)ever remember seeing a man.
the bone has many different colours and when you turn it over it looks like where it was sawed there are rings like a tree trunk but the are very fine.
What kind of bone do you think this was made of and any ideas of the value in today’s market?


[b]Ladybuggz wrote:[/b]
[quote]Here are the photo’s…maybe not!
I can never get the photo’s small enough! How does someone have photos that fill the page and I can only seem to make tiny postage stamp pictures that are still too big:S …. any help??
I’ll figure it out tomorrow![/quote]

***Well I still never was able to post my picture’s on here,:blink: but if you go to my site you’ll find my San pan, you can read the story that goes with it or not, just roll down the page a bit and you’ll see them!


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