5.82K viewsAntique Collectibles Forums
5.82K viewsAntique Collectibles Forums

i just purchased, what I believe to be, a McKee milk glass concord pattern punch bowl, stand, and (27) cups. I really would appreciate some help first verifying that is what I indeed do have, and then an approximate value on something like this please! Thank you very much for the help!


Well looks like this clock was taken to a Dutch repair shop !! I didn`t recognize the label as German language so I put it in the Google translator !! Was pretty sure it was Dutch but figured I had better be sure !! The label says,, “Moens, The recipient of this basic number must collect his repair within 3 months after delivery of this” So he took it to be repaired and had a claim check ticket,, clock had to be picked up within 3 months !! The claim check ticket is what you see in first pic !! Can`t read the second label !!
Now to the clock,,It is not an expensive clock !! Just one that many would have hanging in their homes !! The better made clocks would normally have the makers name on the faceplate if it has not been replaced !! I have one quite similar hanging here !! Good thing is most were pretty darn accurate !! There could be a name on the clockworks inside the back !! But you would have to remove the back and check !! Value on these from $125. to $175. !! Depending on condition !!
One thing that will help keep these clocks running well is to sit a small plastic lid of some type,,medicine bottle lid ect with a few drops of a good light weight oil inside the case. Either front or back if you can find a place out of the way of the pendulum !! The oil will evaporate and keep the clockworks lubricated !! Never put oil directly on the clockworks !! Evaporation will take care of any lubrication needed !! Just a few drops is all that is needed maybe twice a year !!

Forgot to put the second line,, it says “the house is not responsible if you lose this ticket !!

LISADVW Changed status to publish January 25, 2020
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