2.06K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
2.06K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

Hello, my wife and I can get this antique hutch/curio cabinet for $700 and was wondering if it was worth it. The seller claims it is over 100 years old, but we just don’t know enough about the value to determine if it’s worth it. The marble does have a small chip in the back corner, some small scratches are on it and the top of the mirror looks like it was prepared. Would anyone know what the value might be from the pics attached?

I appreciate whatever I can get – thanks again.


Sorry I wasn`t here a month ago but my computer crashed and my back up could not access this site for some reason !! First,, its a very nice Hutch/Curio cabinet but you cannot guess the age by looking at the front entirely !! You have to look inside, at the back and pull the drawers out and look at the construction !! See if the joinery methods are consistant with cabinetmakers of that time !! The marble can be either a later replacement or the hutch is a newer reproduction !! Hard to tell much from the pics you have !!
The glass is beveled so thats a plus !! Additional pics would help if you are still looking to purchase this !! Pics of the dovetails on the drawers can tell much !!
That said,, I do not think the price is out of line !! But offer $600. and see what happens !!

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