5.41K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
5.41K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

Hello – first time here. The world of antiques is foreign to me. I have a dresser that has been passed down through generations of my family. The only thing I know about it is that it goes back at least as far as my mother’s grandparents who lived in Danville VA. So the latest it could have been built was around 1880 I would think.

Past that I know nothing about it. I can post some pics in about an hour or so. In the meantime is there a specific area that would be helpful to get a close up of for identification purposes? My hope is that someone can help determine it’s worth. Thanks.


Here are the photos:


A few more:


Hi there !! Sorry but I have been off for a month or more !! Computer problems and end of garden !! Will try to catch up !! The pics needed for furniture are one view of the entire piece,, top to bottom feet and all, and ,one of the joints that hold the drawer front to the case !! You have the rest already !! Looks to be a nice little step back dresser / chest from around turn of the century !!


Many thanks for your assessment. I have attached a few more pics, hopefully that will be sufficient to get a dollar estimate.

I have just completed a massive decluttering of my apartment – this dresser just isn’t “me”. It held sentimental value because it was built for a member of my family and it has not left our family since then. 120+ years is a long time for a piece of furniture to stay with one family, although I’m sure many families have much older pieces.

That’s a long way of saying it’s for sale and I’d love to find a buyer before the weekend is over. If it isn’t being used, there’s no logical place to put it that feels in step with the rest of my apartment. Do I have to pay for a premium account to list this on auction here?


Oh one more question if I may trouble you – I attached another pic of something else I am interested in passing along to a good home. I’ll make a separate entry but I wanted to find out the official name for this hinged piece that the jacket is hanging on – I’ve always called it a divider.

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