6.25K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
6.25K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I would very much appreciate information on this unusual armchair. I believe it might be European, perhaps of the arts & craft or art nouveau period. It is a very heavy piece of furniture made of pine wood. The decoration has been applied using the same technique seen on some Thonet & J.J. Kohn chairs. Below the seat it has two iron tenants to properly stretch & hold the chair. Many thanks for any information you might provide regarding provenance, style, period and value.


Dear M

artha, Many thanks for your reply. You are right the chair does not fell into the category of bentwood furniture. The association with Thonet & Kohn was strictly concerning the method in which the “Art Nouveau decoration”, has been applied; just in the same “industrial” way seen in a lot of plywood seats from both factories. All you need is a nice design, a sort of stenciI and heating the beech!. I agree that chances are that the chair could have been produced in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, however the art nouveau decoration is definitively machine applied. I bought the chair in Cairo some 20 years ago. I attached few more photos. By the way, I’m an eager collector of bentwood furniture particularly of items referred as “architectural furniture” produced by Hoffman, Loos, Wagner, etc. Kind regards.

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