2.71K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
2.71K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I’ve been looking for anyone who could point me in the right direction on getting a value on a clock that I own. It’s been in my family for over 30 years and I’m looking to possibly sell it before I move. Any help would be appreciated.

This Clock stands 95” tall and is 28”x 18.5” at the base. There is Beveled Glass on 3 sides. It keeps excellent time with proper pendulum adjustment, and chimes accurately on the quarter hour as well as strikes on the hour. The case is Mahogany and is in original condition with some scratches, that can be expected from an over 100 year old clock. The only issue is the linen on the back of the clock is torn and will need to be replaced. Also, it is missing the finial, which was missing at the time that I acquired it.
As for the age, the Patent date on the Chime Tower is 1904. I do know for certain that it was manufactured prior to 1909 because this clock was presented as a gift to a member of a local Scranton Pa Catholic Church in celebration of his Jubilee as a Priest and there is a plaque on it with his name as well as those of other members of the clergy

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 17, 2020

For more information about it you can go to the NAWCC website !! They do not give values though !! Bawo Dotter was a retail store who imported these clocks and movements then sold them with their label !! The movements were made by other companies in Germany ect !! As to a value check and see if any have sold from that time period and in similar condition, similar movement ect !! Use that as a guide for yours !! I see you have yours listed !! Good Luck !! They do not sell as well as they used to !! Saw another at one of the auction sites with a $2000. start price !! Didn`t look to see if it had any bidders or if it sold at all !!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 17, 2020
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Anonymous Changed status to publish January 17, 2020

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