2.48K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
2.48K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I recently decided to reupholster this platform rocker which my father bought at auction 30+ years ago. Upon taking off the arm coverings I discovered an old torn and worn label. I’m wondering if this is from the Zangerle company (even though Zangerle is from Chicago and this says Portland, ME) and the approximate age of the chair.


Try some plain old wood filler to fill the holes and patch any chips on the places that do not show !! You can also use ordinary kitchen matches and wood glue to fill hidden holes from past upholstery !! Just dip the end of the match in the wood glue and then lightly tack them into the holes !! You can just snap them off !! Then any new upholstery tacks have a solid ground and should be tight even if at the same spot !! Most grocery stores have kitchen matches where the grilling supplies are found !! Either way give a couple of days to thoroughly cure before re-doing it !!

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