2.89K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
2.89K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

Wondering if anyone can help….Recently came upon a John Widdicomb dining set and I am unsure what I want to do with it just yet. Tried researching and have not gotten far sorry to say. Hoping someone here might have some ideas?

Pictures attached. Based on my research so far, which of course is based on potentially erroneous info online 🙁 , here’s what I am thinking….this specific brass plate appears to have been used between 1974-1990. Based on design, I am assuming it is meant to be a reproduction of the Queen Anne Style but may have some Chippendale influences as well, perhaps a cross? I am leaning more towards Queen Anne personally. I’m also thinking mid-80’s due to the color scheme and fabric on the chairs which appear to be a microfiber/microsuede (assuming they were not reupholstered at some point?).

I discovered online that the company had created a “Treasures From Around The World” collection of antique hardwood reproductions, designed by Lucile Fickett in the 80’s which included both Queen Anne and Chippendale style pieces so might have been produced during this time? Apparently pieces in this line were numbered and affixed with a brass plate engraved with the buyer’s name, as well as an engrave plate marked “John Widdicomb Co.”. Table has the brass plate and this piece is indeed numbered underneath, #14. No plate for the ‘buyer’s name’ however but we did find a one inch area in the stain that suggests [i]something[/i] was attached there during staining process at one time, no idea what however.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas on the timeline of this piece? Also, we are struggling with the wood, identifying – it is definitely a solid hard wood but unsure what, could be mahogany or walnut? The table top appears to have a veneer of…..something? Perhaps mahogany and/or something else?Wworking to figure out what I can about the set as a whole but also determining some type of value. Would love to hear ideas!

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 16, 2020

Thank you so very much for your help!!! You are so sweet to provide such details 🙂 I will give it a try and am indeed near a large city and willing to deliver for a cost so that too could help. Fingers crossed! Thank you again!

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Anonymous Changed status to publish January 16, 2020

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