1.94K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
1.94K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

Hello Forum,

I’m new here so be easy on me. I recently purchased this desk lamp in a thrift store. I have been on a mission to try to figure out the maker and period of this lamp. I have spent countless hours searching internet using general descriptions of every order of word descriptions. I’ve used the Google image search as well. I’ve searched forums, blogs, retail stores, restoration sites, lighting clubs, auction houses, Ebay, Ruby Lane and pretty much everything else and zip, nothing. Not only can I not find this lamp, I can’t find anything conceptually similar. I’ve also taken it to many expert people in the area and the reaction is pretty much the same. As with the rest, one 85 year old gentleman who has been doing antique lamp restoration for some 50 years said to me, “I’ve never seen anything like it.” I’ll leave some pics. Maybe somebody out there can solve this riddle for me. Thanks so much.

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