2.80K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
2.80K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

:p Purchased at antique shop,no info or marks, would like to know who made it ,what is the wood, if any value. unable to upload more photos. thanks


Some of the pics did not load !! Looks like maple wood with modified Queen Anne foot !! You have it priced about right give or take a few dollars !! One thing that would help you get that price ((or close to it) is to flip that top cushion end to end !! Looks like one end was sat on more that the other !! In your pic that makes it appear to have a hump in the middle !! I think if you switch ends it may level out !! Or at least look more level !!
You might even give buyers an idea how this sofa could be used such as,, “Add vintage charm to your porch or sun room” !!


It has been a while ,I ‘m adding a photo of the front leg of sofa.


Thank you very much,I finely was able add another photo, can you tell what kind of wood and value?


Can`t see the feet or the back to know much but I think your sofa was made about 1940`s !! Although they were made from the 1920`s through mid century,, the style is not what I would expect on an earlier sofa !! Furniture is rarely marked so no way to know which mfr out of many that made it !!

I just added photo of sofa front leg,

Hope the added Att: downloaded.

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