1.99K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
1.99K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I’m moving and will be selling my house and a number of items, including some antique furniture and a Tiffany lamp that may or may not have a lot of value depending on whether it is authentic. It’s still hanging high, so I can’t see if there are any markings (which might not be genuine in any case) but it has one of the characteristics of a real Tiffany lamp in that it changes colour when the light is turned on. What are some other indicators? Any ideas as to whether or not this is authentic?[/color]


Not to say it isn`t a pretty light but it does not have Tiffany quality !! This is a newer fixture with a similar look !!
Here are more Tiffany style fixtures,, but not Tiffany originals !!

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