1.55K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
1.55K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

[color=#0000bb]This stunning clock made in the USSR by Ural Rock & Gems is from the 1960’s. The semi-precious stones were all mined from their local Ural Mountains in the Ukraine region of the USSR. The rounded frame is Rhodonite which sits atop Jasper slabs on each side. The round slices are Malachite, Jasper, Amazonite, Jade (Nephrite), Smoky Quartz Geode, Blue Quartz, and Charoite. Clear Quartz clusters & Smoky Quartz Crystal clusters adorn the base front & back. Pyrite crystals are scattered among the semi-precious stone slices.
The original owners commissioned 2 identical clocks to be made for them in case any parts needed to be replaced. The other clock was destroyed by car battery acid leaving this “one of a kind”. It was purchased from the estate of Ted & Betti-Lee Stark in Williamsburg, Va. He was a luggage magnate of M&M Verdi enjoyed the fruits of substantial business success and loved traveling the world. Together, Ted and Betti-Lee collected extensively in the areas of Russian & Faberge’ art. They had a small sticker price tag on the clock of $1500.00. This clock is run by 2 AA batteries. I have had this clock in 2 different antique consignment shops with no bites at that price. I lowered it to $900 after other reductions. Am I still over pricing it or should I go to another specialized market for this very unique piece? Pictures included of the front, back, carry case & identifying marks.
Thanks for your time & help,
Faith Beatty
Richmond, VA[/color]

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