3.97K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
3.97K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I inherited an off white Heritage couch with a hand painted design. The pillows have very beautiful fruit. It has wheels.
Can you help me find out the year and any history on it?
I’m undecided as to what I should do as far as keeping it or selling it.


Oh no,, that’s not necessary,, I just meant cloth, leather, or vinyl !! Hard to tell from a pic !! Your sofa, I think, is part of the Heritage line by Drexel and is quality furniture !! The castors were likely because of the length,,would be difficult to move at 9ft long !! Castors made it easy for the housewife to roll out,clean behind, and roll back in place !!


I don’t know how to distinguish what type of upholstery it is. I can take a pillow to an upholsterer and ask. Thank you.


What is the upholstery made of ?? Looks to be mid century !! Can you take a pic of the name on it ??

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