1.92K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
1.92K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

About 100 people I have asked would LOVE to know what this is. The small wooden pieces move around the dowel rod posts they are attached to. PLEASE? Anyone? 😀


While your at it,, try to find out where the friend got it and what part of the country they live in !! If it was purchased from where and what if anything they were told about it !! At this point anything may help !!


Are the metal rods fixed permanently and just the wooden doors move ?? Don`t guess there is anything on the bottom is there ?? About how tall and wide is it ?/ Is the back solid ??
I will cross post this tomorrow to another forum !! The members there are excellent at finding these odd items !!

Will ask owner and get back to you. Thanks!!

May take a day or so . . . my friend is the go-between and now is on a mission to contact her friend who has the piece. ?

  • Kovels
  • Kovels

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