2.08K viewsGlass
2.08K viewsGlass

Hi, Anybody know what this vase is worth? I have looked it up on EBay, but there are none like it. It is 33 inches high, no markings and is almost hobnail on the bottom half, but lined on the top. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for the info.:)


Hi, Just to name a few companies,one of the most popular are the L.E. Smith and Viking Glass. I sold a fire red one this summer for $45.00, Amber is not as popular but I think $25-35.00. I’m not so sure they are being used for flowers though, the younger people like them for wine or beer. Afew years ago they were hard to even give away. The tall ones is what they want.

kjwinks Changed status to publish January 23, 2020

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