1.84K viewsGlass
1.84K viewsGlass

My grandfather collected Ruby glass and forest green glass, and we were always told that it is from Anchor Hocking. Examining the pieces now, after he has passed, I’m not seeing the typical Archor Hocking identifying marks or any identifying marks at all. I have heard however that Anchor Hocking did not mark all of their Ruby Red pieces. Does anyone know a sure fire way to identify if these are in fact real, reproductions or fakes?


Okay thanks so much!



This is a helpful article and should answer your question about both !! I have had several items in Royal Ruby and Forest Green over the years !! The colors of both are easy to use as an identifying factor !! Knowing the shapes/patterns that AH used will help as well !!
There have been similar colors produced over the years,, But as far as I know,, no reproductions !!

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