3.74K viewsGlass
3.74K viewsGlass

Was looking to see if anyone could help with some information on these pieces I received!
There are no markings or anything that I can find of who has made it. I have heard possibly U. S Glass Company or Tiffin, but not much luck.
Any help or clues would be much appreciated!
Thank you


Let us know if you find anything different !! Am pretty sure of the era !!


Well again thank you, I do appreciate the info. I am going to keep doing my research and see what I can find!


From the 50`s and later it is still considered fairly modern !! That would fit the time frame !! Glass mfrs made their items for several years !! Thats why glass, unless marked, is difficult to date accurately !! Many mfrs were making items with what everyone called “Love Birds” on them !! They were popular as wedding gifts !! Your set is machine made, Not sure about the hand painted unless it is written somewhere !! But still its a nice set and something you should have for a keepsake !!


It was my grandmothers and when she passed away it was a set I asked to take to my house. It’s hand painted on, as far as modern it wouldn’t be any older than 1957, that’s when my grandparents got married. I thought it was a wedding gift but my aunt says she thought it was my great-grandmothers. We never saw it on a list of gifts my grandmother got t there wedding, she kept everything!



Tiffin was a name used by US Glass of Tiffin Ohio !! I do not think this centerpiece set is Tiffin !! It looks pretty modern !! Is the decoration etched or enameled ??
How did you come to own this set ??
It reminds me of the sets 60`s through about 1980 that were given as wedding gifts !!

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