3.24K viewsGlass
3.24K viewsGlass

Never came across this type of glass piece with three protrusions like this. Any ideas?


Well,, one suggestion was something called a “pass cup” and another was a “tastevin” or simply put a wine tasting cup !! I have found nothing similar except the wine taster which is usually silver but can have 1,,2,, or 3 handles !! But since we can find nothing definitive ,, I would suggest you go to the “Corning Museum of Glass” website !! They should be able to help !! Everyone says they are friendly and do their best to help !! Just explain if you do not know the exact details and estimate size ect !! Please come back here and update this post so I will know what it is and if I get more opinions I will post them here !! There is one member I am waiting on and he can usually find these odd items if he doesn`t know !!

That could be what it is. The Abby has a winery so it does seem fitting. I’ll have to check out Corning museum of glass and see if they can give any more definitive answers. Thanks so much for the help and I’ll post of I find anything else out!


About 3-4 ounces. No marks and not really sure on the back story. A monk at the Abby in Richardton North Dakota owns it along with his other antiques and stuff and showed my mom but he didn’t tell her where it came from just that he didn’t know what it was. He, my mom, her husband or any of us have any clue what it is.


Working on it !! Can you tell us more about it ?? About how much liquid would it hold if a drinking cup ?? Are there any marks on the bottom or anywhere ?? Where did you find this item ??


I cross posted this to another forum with some that may know about this thing !! I have no clue but will probably feel dumb when I find out !! :p

Thanks so much!


How tall is it ??

About 3-4 inches

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