1.89K viewsGlass
1.89K viewsGlass

We have had these “jars/Bottles” for about 25 years now. We have taken them to numerous antique and bottle shows including the Antiques Road show however no one has ever been able to positively identify them. I have heard they are tobacco jars, fairly lights or even reproductions but no one could tell me what they were reproductions of or why someone would bother making them. I had hoped someone here on the forum could help me out. I have attached a couple of pictures to help out. Thanks so much for any help or information anyone could provide. [img size=226]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Glass_Front_View_reduced.jpg[/img]


Last picture showing tops of the jars or bottles. Thanks again for any help.
[img size=150][/img] [img size=384]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Glass_Top_View_reduced.jpg[/img]

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