2.12K viewsGlass
2.12K viewsGlass

Dimensions are 14 3/4″ tall with stopper, 10 1/4″ without stopper, 4 1/4″ dia at widest part of bottle, 2 3/4″ base dia, 6″ long stopper. Any help would be appreciated.


This is pressed glass and was pretty common at one time !! Not sure how you have searched but try looking at EAPG decanters or Elegant Glass decanters !! Might be easier to find by looking for those on Ebay !! This pattern and hundreds of similar ones were made by most all of the glass companies in the 20th century !! I would call it pinwheel and daisy or something similar !! Some even call it starburst and daisy !!

Thank you for the feedback on this decanter. I will follow your recommendations and see if something shows up. I will leave this request open for a short time to see if anyone has any information.
Again, thanks for your suggestions.

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