Does anyone know if Jenny Lind milk glass decanters/perfume flasks were made before Fostoria started making them? Why I ask, is that from back in the early 50’s there was a set of them on our sideboard, my great aunt and her husband had lived in New Orleans back in the 1910’s/20’s, in the house they lived in , they found a pair of them, some several years later she gave them to my mother, they were painted a greenish aqua color, mother took the paint off and they were milk glass. My aunt was not the sort to have ever bought anything like that..(wore long dark dresses until she died in the 60’s). In recent years I have seen quite a few that were painted this same color. I think it would be too much of a stretch to think so many painted their flasks the same and wouldn’t Fostoria have colored the glass ? not painted it…The design shows more of a Victorian style..not so suited to have been actually [i]designed [/i] in the 40’s, 50’s 60’s. I just wondered if Fostoria may have reproduced an earlier design either of their own or one from much earlier period? Thank you for any help as this is a puzzle