3.08K viewsGlass
3.08K viewsGlass

I have a heavy glass decanter that has ducks & cattails etched on the front. It’s in a rectangular shape. It’s about 9″ tall and 4 1/2″ wide. The decanter has a name engraved on it. I believe it says Thomas K. Kingsbridge 269. Does anyone know anything about it? Age, value, origin????


There is a Knightsbridge decanter with an eagle for sale on line now. They describe it as etched, although it looks to me to be cut rather than etched.
It is 9 7/8″ (including the stopper) X 3 1/2.”
It is numbered 120/300 and signed by the artist, F. Stowek. I don’t believe these to have much age. No older than late 80s early 90s. The company doesn’t appear to still be around, unless perhaps it was a subsidiary of another company. The asking price on the decanter above is less than $200 including shipping – and it is still for sale.

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