I have a pair of heavy glass bookends with a tall ship motif. They are being listed in several sites as manufactured by either Blenko or Pilgrim Glass. They are Mid Century pieces and in perfect condition. They are also quite heavy. I’m providing a picture.
I have seen one listing showing a label for Pilgrim Glass and I am leading in that direction as a final choice. Trouble is: I’ve seen another site stating the item with a single ship or mast is a Pilgrim Glass item but the one with two masts, such as mine, are Blenko items. Listings and prices are all over the place. I am looking to sell them as I don’t need them but I want to know what they are first. Any value would help also.
Any search for “Glass bookends tall ship motif” will only confuse the issue.
Many thanks for any help. It will be greatly appreciated.
Ed Young
I can see that some would be confused !! Just the pic that is on the bookends is not the only thing you need to look at !! The size and often the weight can also be a factor !! And if you specify the maker as well as the form and pic it will reduce the confusion !! Such as “Blenko two masted sailing ship bookends” !! Will look later for you !! Its early here !!