2.94K viewsGlass
2.94K viewsGlass

20 years ago I inherited a 22 piece crystal set that includes wine glasses, cocktail glasses, and water glasses. the set is at least 50 years old and is very thin crystal with a patter of flowers on the outside, I have not found any markings for manufactor, need help on value at mint condition.


I finally found the make and pattern, the crystal is Fostoria, buttercup. and my china is royal York milford from japan. I will let you know what she offers, suppose to be coming by today.


It really does’nt matter, they are pretty much all worth the same. Fostoris & Heisey are just more well known. At auction they sell for around $10-!5.00 ea. They used to sell for a lot more but everybody want’s color today. Don’t expect too much for your dinnerware set, they are a hard sell but dinnerware sales are picking up a little, but still way to cheap. Good Luck to you. I am curious as to what antique dealer offers you.


looks to me like Cambridge, with the etched flowers on outside of glass, but I haven’t seen exact ones like I have on the net yet.


thanks for your input, I am having trouble with posting a pic. a lady stop by last night and said Fostoria, but she has no idea what its worth. it is in mint condition, I inherited it 20 years ago along with a 60 piece china set.my aunt was 85 when she passed, so there is no telling how old the stuff is, I don’t even know what to ask for the stuff and a dealer is coming to look and make offer 2mrow.all I know how to do is send you a pic txt from phone


Hi, If I could see a picture of your set I would be able to help more. If made in USA, company that comes to mind is Cambridge, Fostoria, Heisey< Tiffin. They are the most common. The only way to know who made them & value is to see the pattern & stems. If you have a difficult time in posting a picture, look on E-bay or google images. All of these companies made beautiful crystal, so thin & delicate that they are hard to find without little dings & knicks.All have pattern flowers on them or plain also.

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