1.60K viewsGlass
1.60K viewsGlass

[img size=150][/img] Hello I have researched to no avail I cant find anything close to this beauty. I lean towards Steuben or loetz But would like proof and Have no clue how to find this imperative information. The maker and Age of this vase I purchased recently. It is 13″ tall canary yellow with uranium has Hand applied Prunts and Coils on it and a Polished Pontil No makers marks or No signatures NOTHING. There are No chips or cracks but a lot of scratches at base where it sits and this tells me it is really old as there are a lot of them. anyone have any suggestions as to how I can find this information I need.


I’ve never seen anything like that either. During the depression era a lot of that was made but no pattern like that, unless it could be Westmoreland,

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