1.98K viewsGlass
1.98K viewsGlass

I’ve just begun to try to identify some glassware that came to me from a great-great aunt. I suspect it is about 120+ years old. There are several sets of goblets with matching pitchers, bowls, cups, etc. The first set is 8 goblets with an ornate matching pitcher. The pattern is a daisy. There are no markings to identify the manufacturer. The glass is rather thick, and the pattern is very deep/distinct. The glassware came from South Alabama. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have not been able to locate a photo of the same glassware or pattern. Thank you!


You said the daisy or design is very deep/distinct. It sounds to me you might have American Brilliant Cut Glass. Are the glasses cut deep also. This is heavy glass and very bright and clear. Google Cut Glass and you might turn up lot’s of club’s with pictures.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 15, 2020
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