2.10K viewsGlass
2.10K viewsGlass

Does this set of pink glasses with delicate flower pattern have an official name? Thank you. [img size=238]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/pink_glass.jpg[/img]


Thank you Carolyn! You have been so good to help me with my questions. I am in the process moving items from my cabinets to my granddaughter’s hope chest. They have all come to me from generations above with little or no history. I am wanting to put history with each item I give her so she can enjoy and then pass to her children. The glasses are so dainty, and fragile and PRETTY! I can see why they were treasured. Thank you again.


No, I do not think they have a pattern name. I have checked this pattern before, I’ve had the glasses, pitcher & bowl in plain & pink. It’s not in any of the glass books I have. I asked a good freind of mine who knows his glassware and he told me it came out in the 70ties & 80ties the same time a lot of reproductions of depression glass and carnival glass were remade. He thought Libby made the glasses and were sold at Target , K-Mart etc. They still have value and are very nice.

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