5.34K viewsGlass
5.34K viewsGlass

I am trying to ID this piece. I don’t know if it’s old or new. In trying to ID it on my own, I’m guessing it may be Italian (Murano or the like). The bottom has an open pontil scar. I don’t know if if was made like this, or if perhaps this had a stem or base at one point.

Any info is much appreciated! Thank you! 🙂

[img size=320]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/gl_flower6.jpg[/img]


How did you get forum to accept photos. I tried posting one picture and it told me the file was too large, limited to 50kb


Thank you!!! That gives me a starting point. I really appreciate it! 🙂


Hi, I think what you have is a hand blown item made by Pilgrim Glass co. in W.Virgina. In business into the 1990ties and still might be in business. They are known for leaving a huge pontil mark like your piece. You can see some of these marks on vases etc. on e-bay. Also check out Glass Encyclopedia.com and look at Marano, and Blenko glass which is all hand blown also. Pilgrim made lot’s of heavy glass sometimes over 8 layer’s or more and lot’s of paperweights especially animals. Your piece could be what they call “end of day’ to get rid of leftover glass.


[img size=320]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/gl_flower4.jpg[/img]


[img size=320]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/gl_flower3.jpg[/img]

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